Credit Card Debt Settlement



            While enrolled in a debt settlement program, lawsuits are a possibility rather than a probability. However, in the event you are served with a lawsuit, we want to inform you of some basic information pertaining to the legal process and what you can do on your own to handle the situation. Keep in mind; laws very from state to state, county to county, and city to city, so the information provided below should not be taken as legal advice, but as simple explanations of terms and frequently used options to resolve the lawsuit.



            A lawsuit is initiated when the Plaintiff files a Complaint with the Clerk of the Court. That Complaint, along with a Summons is served on the Defendant. You can be served in person, via mail, left attached to your door, etc. Once the Summons and Complaint are served on the Defendant it is now your responsibility to take action.

            As the Defendant you have several options in dealing with the lawsuit. Please note, you always have the option to seek the advice of an attorney in your area if you are not comfortable with the process.

Option #3 



            The last option is to do nothing with the lawsuit. While not recommended, there are a few instances where not responding to the lawsuit has little to no effect. However, more frequently, not responding to the lawsuit can lead to further legal action being taken against you. Once the time from for filing an Answer expires the Plaintiff’s attorney can file for default judgment against you. As long as they can prove you were served with the lawsuit and failed to respond they will be granted the judgment.


            With the default judgment the Plaintiff’s attorney has several options they can pursue to recover the money owed. These options include, but may not be limited to wage garnishment, property liens, and bank account levies. They can continue to do this until the full amount is paid.

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