Video Library:
BBB Complaints - Who would
you guess is number 1 in the Nation with the most amount of consumer complaints? Well Julie
Williams the Acting Comptroller of the OCC, which is the government agency responsible for over seeing
the Banking and Credit Card industry says quote "I would of thought it was like Cable or Satellite
installation... When she was told it was the Credit Card industry she said " I would not of thought of it
that was the case!" How could she not of known! Watch this interview video from PBS,
Maxed Out- ABC Nightline Vickie
Mayberry's 9 minute report about the documentary "Maxed Out" is worth watching. Her interview with the
director James Scurlock and Harvard Law professor Elizabeth Warren gives you a great inside
perspective before watching the full video.
Director James Scurlock ventures into the world of the debt collectors and credit
card companies. This documentary digs deep into the minds of a debt collector and the smoke and mirrors used
by the large Banks to get people to apply for credit cards.
After watching this 90 minute video you will have a different view on what you think
about the Banks and collections companies.